Sunday, April 30, 2006

John Domingo's Confirmation Class

So John asks me 2 weeks ago to prepare a talk/testimony to his confirmation class. I wasn't too worried or apprehensive about this, but I remembered how lazy and unexcited I was during my confirmation classes, and I tried to think about what they would want to hear from some "crazy catholic". But, to my surprise, Johns class apparently loved going to confirmation classes and loved even more the idea of getting confirmed! This blew me away and reaffirmed the faith and hope I have in the youth of the Church as well as my generation together being the SpringTime of the Church. So, from that point on, I became even more excited about having the honor to talk to these young adults. As the evening approached and John started to introduce me as the speaker, it was as if my mind went blank (as usual) but God continued to keep me peaceful. I had planned to talk about how I found the Church and how I found Christ, but something came over me and all I could speak about was Love.....everything I tried to relay to the audience came out as Love, and it really made me question whether or not I am praying to do all things with Love. I know that my motives in speaking tonight were Love and I wanted so badly for these young people to know that Love that Christ gives us, but I need to constantly ask that God might bless my intentions and desires so that they are done with Love. Every relationship, interaction, problem, and oppurtunity I have each day to live, needs to be done in the spirit of Love. I want to thank all those who support me in my journey, especially those who supported me tonight, and I pray that this week we can ask God to show us where we need to beg for Love the most.


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