Friday, May 25, 2007


I just wanted to add some pics to show a little of what we do around here.... so here it goes

A picture of Youth 2000 (Pan de Vida en Español) retreat practically in our house

Here is a picture of our mission in the mountains in November

And this is my catechism class that I teach on tuesdays...

One of the most beautiful places on the earth in a town called El Rosario (the rosary)

Here, the convent of the Friars is where we have mass everyday...

.....and where we have masses on friday night(and where the bishop lives)
the cathedral of the immaculate conception...which boasts the first clock ever sent to latin america from spain...


Blogger Jiza @ The Real JZ said...

Oh man that photo of Jesus is so awesome!!

10:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vo Escribi algo en español porfa para los hondureños.


8:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condensation, and especially displacement, are never-failing features in these other processes.. It was not long before the two were like old chums.. He had black hair, worn off by his hat.. I'm a-goin' t' charge 'em till they squeal, he declared to the timidly protesting Aunt Margaret, an' then I'm goin' t' charge 'em a least mite more, drat 'em! He retreated behind the rough wooden counter that did duty as a desk, slammed open the flimsy, paper-bound cash book that served as a register, and planted his elbows uncompromisingly on either side of it.. PINK FLUKER BY RICHARD MALCOLM JOHNSTON (1822-1898) [From The Century Magazine , June, 1886; copyright, 1886, by The Century Co.. For my own part, I intend to believe nothing henceforward that has anything of the 'singular' about it.. The patient, a young girl, began as follows: You remember that my sister has now only one boy, Charles: she lost the elder one, Otto, while I was still at her house.. Brede sobbed on her shoulder, why didn't you tell us? W-W-W-We didn't want to be t-t-taken for a b-b-b-b-bridal couple, sobbed Mrs.. You never see a frog so modest and straightfor'ard as he was, for all he was so gifted.. The intimacy, the hand resting upon the knee, refers to a quite different connection and to quite other persons. I shall call your attention to one of them. Possibly it was the same recollection that revived something of the awkwardness he had felt then.. Mein Gott, den, vat a vool you bees for dat! replied one of the most remarkable voices I ever heard.. Can you possibly suppose this is a wish of mine to be arrested? Of course not, I must admit.. The material under excitement flows to the Cons, sensory organ from two sides, firstly from the P-system whose excitement, qualitatively determined, probably experiences a new elaboration until it comes to conscious perception; and, secondly, from the interior of the apparatus itself, the quantitative processes of which are perceived as a qualitative series of pleasure and pain as soon as they have undergone certain changes.. Even as Atalanta might have dropped an apple behind her to tempt her pursuer to check his speed, so Miss Hoogencamp left that fish-ball behind her, and between her maiden self and contamination.. Ironrule says that a fault imagined is just as wicked as a fault committed.. I tried to teach, for I loved children.. What a pity, thought Caroline.. She had met with snub after snub, and cut after cut, in her social climb, she had had the cook quit in the middle of an important dinner, she had had every disconcerting thing possible happen to her, but this--this was the last bale of straw...

2:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew, How did you guys make out after the hurricaine Felix. Please let us know how you and the mission are doing. You are in our prayers.

3:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Andrés, I heard you were sick... Where are you now? How are you feeling?

-María Victoria

10:46 AM


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