Friday, December 22, 2006


Greetings in Christ and Merry Christmas....almost....
I have been gone for about a month and half in the mountains on a mission with 2 of the guys from our house here in Comayagua.
We left on about the 12th of november for a place in the mountains called ¨El Florida¨ and in fact there are millions of many that they sell a sack of about 150 oranges for 5 to 10 lempiras which is roughly 25 cents or less.... Maynor, Wilmer and I arrive in the mountains at a parish of a 28 yr old priest Fr Maximiliano who has 56 churches to serve. The plan was to send us with 15 of his own missionaries to about 5 to 10 of his communities spending 3 days in each community and then leaving by foot to the next communities on the 4th day, arriving and then staying at the next for 3 days as well. So we left and encountered more than we could have ever imagine...and me being the only american in the whole team, I was probably experiencing the most drastic changes in not having spoken english in more than a month and completely having to submerge myself in the culture....but it was beautiful as God completely emtpied my being of all that I had known before....and by His Grace...allowing me to survive all things...from foods I never thought were edible before, 8 hour pilgrimages to other communities climbing, trekking through rivers...passing through waterfalls, all in one day...going a week without changing clothes or bathing due to lack of shower or running water (sorry if that grosses anyone out) and really experiencing the life of the people that have never known any other form of life in the mountians.
As we encountered some of these communities who dont recieve Father or Mass but twice a year or less....we found great spiritual need in some, and in others...we found a faith more simple and yet more profound than we ever imagined before.
Were talking people who have never learned to read or write....who have never watched a television or never afforded a radio...and only know what they learned from their families in the field working and in the Catholic church every sunday when they have their community prayer meetings. But overall....the generosity we found in these people, who would empty out the rain barrels of water saved for weeks just to give us a drink.....or killing the last chickens in their house to feed us for a night....putting their 8 children in one bed or on the floor so we would have room to sleep in their one room house.....amazing...and we truly believe their treasure and reward is in heaven where they fully acknowlege that they are placing it.
As poor as they are by our society´s standards they are by far the richest people I have ever had the honor and privelege to meet.
The whole mission was a success...Not because we were successful....we can never measure a mission or ministry as successfull....this is one thing I learned the most from the people of the mountains....the mission was a success because and ONLY because we maintained the faith....and more than taught the people the catechism...we left having learned more than we taught....this is the success..the mission of the church
Giving witness of Christ and His Love for us, and the witness that the Catholic Church lives and by means of the sacraments and especially the Eucharist...we are living in full communion PHYSICALLY with Christ as He nourishes us spiritually.

So after a retreat of more than 300 youth in the parish....we arrived back in Comayagua...and within a day or two we were leaving for another mission in El Rosario....where another young priest has more than 50 churches to serve....and as of a month or so Burglars had robbed the images of the Holy Family and Our Lady of the Rosary as well as The Eucharist from the we left with haste to help recover and really examine the needs of this priest in his communities as he physically cannot be at all the places all the time....and although the sadness of the events have consumed some, the Faith is stronger than ever as the people realize they need to unite for the Church as children of Christ....

So on Friday....we arrived back around 630 inthe morning from El Rosario and began a Pan de Vida here in our neighborhood with the Friars...of about 250 youth....and although completely exhausted...not having rested for more than a month (literally) and still sick from the mission in november....God worked as always, through each and every leader during the talks, ministry and leading up to the Eucharistic Procession which is the culmination of all Pan de Vida retreats... a 2 hour procession where each youth comes literally face to face with Jesus for a period of time in His Body and Blood....and I was extremely blessed to serve Fr Felipe and was able to walk in front of him as he proceded with Jesus to each and every youth and was able to pray for each one Sunday night, we finished the Pan de Vida and really took the advantage to rest since then....preparing over 400 Christmas cookies for about 50 of the families in the neighborhood and Br Paul and I are practicing carols on guitar so we can visit each family and carol to each one tomorrow and Sunday before our all night Christmas vigil with the Friars.....
Im sorry its been so long...ive really missed you guys alot, but I felt your prayers more than ever in this time especially in all the ways the Lord has stretched me completely out of my comfort zones and taught me the true beauty of poverty...please continue to pray for us and the neighborhood here....and if you could intercede for Father Maximiliano and Father Victor for they each have more than 50 communities to celebrate mass with for Christmas this week.....thank you all and Praise our Lord God for all that He is doing in each and every one of our lives...

Peace and Merry Christmas!



Blogger Jiza @ The Real JZ said...

Gross. Looks like someone is spamming your blog, Andrew. Don't click that link, if I were you.

Anyways, Andrew... my friend! Your presence has been missed so much & you come up often in my conversations, particularly with Rob. I just left you a comment on your facebook, but I will go ahead & leave another comment your blog... just b/c...well, I can.

This entry was amazing. God is definitely using you as His instrument not just for physically poor, but for the spiritually poor... where the greatest poverty lies -- my very prayer for you when you left.

I look forward to seeing you in a few days & I hope God will grant us the time to catch up. I have been terribly sick the last several days, & my anti-malaria medications & shots are being withheld from me until I am able to get better, which doesn't give me that many days. But God is good & faithful & I know He will prepare the way.

I want a big hug from you for Christmas. God bless this time because it may be our last time together before I enter!

Have a very Merry Christmas & see you soon! Pray for our safe travels!

8:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew, I'm so encouraged from your blog. It is so awesome to hear how God is using you, and how you are letting yourself be poured out for these people. I love to read these entries you write--they give me hope, and I can see that you are growing tremendously in your spiritual life.

Andrew, I'm praying for you and Joseph, the friars, and all those you interact with, minister to, and are in fellowship with. Pray for me, I've had some rough times back here--but like I said, your blogs give me hope and courage to strive for sanctity. I miss you man. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year--I'll be praying for you guys, and especially those priests who have so much on their plates. That in itself is amazing, the sacrifice they make...
Take care Andrew. Pax et Bonum.

8:58 PM

Blogger Amador said...

Mr. Andrew - Not sure why I had not seen your blog; Jerrod was kind enough to share the link (once again).

You've heard this before, but everyday during mass everyone from the MOC team and the Friars are in my prayers. And if that was not enough, you are in my rosary intentions everyday too.

Continue to be a witness of the Love of Christ, and never stop giving testimony. Continue to be Holy -

God bless you -


11:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo! ;)
heh... what distracted newz!
what do U consider about it?

7:20 AM


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