Thursday, June 15, 2006

A construction worker's revelation

Hey all! I am now getting closer and closer to my departure; I have three days until I leave and as much as I am nervous and anxious I have a feeling of peace in knowing that now is as appropriate as ever to start my life in the "real world" in which our Lord has created me. As I approach the time that I must leave this world as I know it, I have been meeting with some family who are dear to me, eating dinner, praying together, celebrating masses with, and just reflecting on life overall. As you all know, I have been working at a concrete-pouring, construction-esque job with about 5-10 30 year old men whom God has been utilizing in a way to illustrate the reality of the "backbone" of our American Society as we may not know it. It is as if my Saviour had something planned for me before I left. As much as I presupposed God preparing me spiritually for Honduras, he had some hidden lessons in store for me. For the first time I was introduced to a group of men who are truly living lies that our society as we know it(and our freedom of expression, etc etc) has justified. The saddest part is I believe for a small number of them, they are unaware. As for the others, they are mislead by one another and by the failures I myself have fallen into in my actions, words and attitudes. As we pray for one another, please keep them in your prayers. Basically, what I was getting to in pointing this out, was the issue of the Body of Christ. Lately I have been reading alot of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine and the Body of Christ Itself is becoming more and more clear for me. One thing I have been discussing with some close friends and spiritual directors is the question, "Is it good for a lukewarm Catholic to convert to Protestantism if they are on fire through that church?". This question alone has posed many further questions to my heart about protestantism and how my heart feels about my protestant brothers and sisters. In the midst of all of this, I know in my heart that Christ truly does give me a burning love and empathy for all of them. However, today at work I had an incredible vision, possible a revelation in its weakest forms, and it was a vision of the whole world and of the Body of Christ as it stands. This grew and grew as i prayed and day-dreamed of the aspect of Vocations in The Church. I know in my heart that all humans whether they acknowlege it or not, have a true vocation in the Church because we believe (because we believe She is the manifestation of Absolute Truth) that all humans should be blessed in coming into the Church. Now, if all humans have a specific vocation in the Church, does someone not being Catholic yet, exclude them from having a vocation as we know it? I am extremely inclined to believe that everyone does have a possible vocation of single consecrated life, priesthood or matrimony. If we were to believe as Catholics, that only those in the Church could have a vocation, it would simply be contradictory to what we believe as the absolute truth. In line with this idea and now my utter conviction, the vision of the Body of Christ being a physical being in perspective took place. I believe God showed me this vision of a Bodily figure, partly strong and working (speaking the Truth, hearing the Truth, reaching and walking in Truth and LOVE), and the other part weak, (broken limbs, silent lips, clogged ears, etc) and I was compelled to pray for non christians and even Protestants to understand and embrace because if A denomination denies the possibility of vocation to the priesthood or religious life, we have to accept the idea that this in a way Hinders the Body of Christ preventing some from hearing a possible vocation. I mean this in as much of a loving way as possible, not to be hatefull or bitter, but to provoke prayer to our Lord and Savior as well as our Blessed Mother to pray for us and for the Body of Christ. For the first time I have come to a conclusion that part of the "lack of priests" may be due to those christians who's church has no idea or belief in a vocation of the priesthood or religious life. As I prepare further and more specifically in my journey and my vocation, I thank God for people like Andrew Jones and Chris Graham for placing them in my life as examples of converts to Catholicism that embrace the idea of possibly having a vocation to the religious life (pray for them in their discerment. I apologize if I outed either of you). They give me hope and faith in the repairing of the Body of Christ through our Church as Jesus desires to see Her. Please pray for me as I leave for Honduras, I will try to update this in order that I might plea for more prayers from all of you. God Bless You



Blogger China Joe said...

Wow, that's awesome! God bless you while you're in Honduras! I'll be praying for you!
Joseph Woodard

3:08 PM


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