Monday, June 26, 2006


Hola! Como estan usted? I say that, because in San Marco, Nicaragua....they use usted unlike Comayagua. I started my first day of language school today, got to meet some very beautiful and loving people at Ave Maria and in the town. The trip from Comayagua, Honduras was long and because of a stomach sickness it was rough, however it was amazingly beautiful. The landscape and the people along the way were a total blessing from God. As we drove through Masaya and into San Marcos in Nicaragua, my love for the Latin American culture grew even more. The willingness to offer anything that could help us, even their meal for the night....out of love is probably the most profound thing I've seen yet. I have a hard time myself giving up things, and they are plentiful. It amazes me the amount of love they have amidst all the pain, hurt, and injustice...once again a clear and beautiful PROOF of the existence of God. On my heart right now as we left Honduras for a month or two, have been two families I have already grown very close to. One is a family of 5 children and the sister (who has taken the role of mother, 150%) Carrina....they are one of the poorest families I have encountered and Christ has stirred in me to love. I call Carrina the mother because their own mother is a prostitute and is close to never home at all. Carrina is seen leading the 5 children with a newborn (maybe 3 months old) in her arms, head unsupported, dirty, coughing....with the other children half naked running around, with no sense of obedience, societal rules, etc. From the moment I met them, out of the ugliness of my own comfort level, I was apprehensive to interacting with them...but God stripped me of all that, showing me how much I had to be humbled and I was able to hold the baby...and slowly day after day become closer with the children. Patience and utter unconditional love is needed for these children, for they have had no education, not parental supervision and do not understand right or wrong for the most part...its heart breaking but it is a common thing to find in Comayagua. In most situations like these, Prayer and Unconditional Love are the ONLY option....we need to learn to rely more on prayer like our ancestors...that is also something God is showing me I have forgotten. For many in this world, prayer is the ONLY thing they can do, and the power they believe their prayers possess is Inspiring. Sadly, this is how we should all be regardless of our situation...but because (and this is simply my idea in my own life) of my idea of capitalism and my upbringing in it, I rely TOO much on myself....not valuing God as my sole provider, sole counselor, and most importantly I need to learn to live "Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit." In fact, joseph(my roomate) and I, are going to paint a picture with that verse on our wall....its becoming our motto in learning humility. The other family I am drawing closer to is Rosa's family, a loving wife with 3 children with cerebral palsy, who's backs are consequently stuck straight and they cannot bend, let alone walk or move on their own. I have visited them and I hope to take over Katies role as family friend and physical therapist. Katie is one of my former roomates who left yesterday to enter the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal in NY!!! Praise God! Anyways, Rosa's family is very poor and was found by the friars in the mountain unable to travel because of the childrens conditions, but they are one of the most beautiful and devout families I have met. Please pray for them. However, as I continue to repeat, there is so much hope and beauty in their poverty....of which we here try to emulate in everyway. It is the closest I have seen people draw to Christ in every outlet of their life because they have nothing else to rest their hope in. shows me how much I have to grow. I must go now, Im off to Holy Hour with Carol, Laura, and Joseph at the Chapel that is on the top of the mountain in San Marcos...looking down on a huge part of Managua, Nicaragua. I pray that all is well, please continue to pray for the Church, the Pope, the missioners here and in Honduras, as well as the people all over the world living lives of injustice and true poverty. It has been a breaking process- coming face to face with Real poverty- people who dont know if they will eat that night, children not going to class because they cant afford it, women being used to sexual and physical abuse as almost societly please pray that I have strength through it all. I thank The Lord everyday for the support I have back home and I know that everytime I celebrate Mass here that it is the same Mass and the same Eucharist the whole Body of Christ is receiving and that allows you to be with me as I am with you, just like Christ said...

Adios.....a simple way we say goodbye here....with in itself means God be with you....


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

¡En Comayagua Honduras!

¡Hola! ?Como estan? My spanish as you can see, slowly getting there. First I thank you all, and above all, Our Lord for bringing me here safely. From the moment I arrived and got a beautiful whiff of Honduran air, I knew I was finally at my second home. I have never felt as much peace as I did driving through the most deadliest interstate in Honduras to Comayagua. It really felt like years and years of dreams finally coming true, and I still feel that the next day. We arrived to a house of about 4 girls, all who have devoted a year and still more to the ministry and let me tell you, they are the most peacefull and charismatic women I have ever met, all with the guidance of Carol and our Blessed Mother, bringing their broken hearts to Jesus. It really is about being broken here, and it is alot more than I expected, but my heart is beating stronger because of the challenge and the humility that God is promising me in this. We spend about 3 hours sporatically each day in prayer (mass, adoration, praise and worship, etc) and that is the least we can get to strengthen us to do the work set for us here. As I meet more and more Hondurans who remember me, I constantly get more strength in this community. Things although, are much different here. The government is a wreck, daylight savings time is only observed by a few areas in Honduras. The HARVEST truly is plenty, and the workers sadly to say, are few. Which is why I believe that in my love for Honduras I can do nothing but serve the people here with my whole heart, my whole mind, and my whole spirit. Please pray for Honduras, America has rubbed off on it in many ways, some Good, some bad. The medical departments give out cheep (less than 1 dollar) birth control to ANYONE, provides cheap sterilizations to men and women...which is PERMANENT. And the evangelical church in its sincere attempts to help people, has been viciously damaging the Church and Her people here in devastating ways....but there is much hope for them here. Amidst all the sin and emptiness that exists because of a growing idea of SELF....there still is hope. There are those few OUTstanding Honduran youth and adults that want to protect their country from this way of life. I have to leave now, the teller wants his lemps for using this computer. Forward this to whoever you feel should read it and please above all else, draw close to Jesus, and please fall in LOVE with the sacraments. Pray for is your prayers that allow us to serve here. I miss you all, and love you. May the Peace of Christ be with everyone. May the Body of Christ thrive....


Thursday, June 15, 2006

A construction worker's revelation

Hey all! I am now getting closer and closer to my departure; I have three days until I leave and as much as I am nervous and anxious I have a feeling of peace in knowing that now is as appropriate as ever to start my life in the "real world" in which our Lord has created me. As I approach the time that I must leave this world as I know it, I have been meeting with some family who are dear to me, eating dinner, praying together, celebrating masses with, and just reflecting on life overall. As you all know, I have been working at a concrete-pouring, construction-esque job with about 5-10 30 year old men whom God has been utilizing in a way to illustrate the reality of the "backbone" of our American Society as we may not know it. It is as if my Saviour had something planned for me before I left. As much as I presupposed God preparing me spiritually for Honduras, he had some hidden lessons in store for me. For the first time I was introduced to a group of men who are truly living lies that our society as we know it(and our freedom of expression, etc etc) has justified. The saddest part is I believe for a small number of them, they are unaware. As for the others, they are mislead by one another and by the failures I myself have fallen into in my actions, words and attitudes. As we pray for one another, please keep them in your prayers. Basically, what I was getting to in pointing this out, was the issue of the Body of Christ. Lately I have been reading alot of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine and the Body of Christ Itself is becoming more and more clear for me. One thing I have been discussing with some close friends and spiritual directors is the question, "Is it good for a lukewarm Catholic to convert to Protestantism if they are on fire through that church?". This question alone has posed many further questions to my heart about protestantism and how my heart feels about my protestant brothers and sisters. In the midst of all of this, I know in my heart that Christ truly does give me a burning love and empathy for all of them. However, today at work I had an incredible vision, possible a revelation in its weakest forms, and it was a vision of the whole world and of the Body of Christ as it stands. This grew and grew as i prayed and day-dreamed of the aspect of Vocations in The Church. I know in my heart that all humans whether they acknowlege it or not, have a true vocation in the Church because we believe (because we believe She is the manifestation of Absolute Truth) that all humans should be blessed in coming into the Church. Now, if all humans have a specific vocation in the Church, does someone not being Catholic yet, exclude them from having a vocation as we know it? I am extremely inclined to believe that everyone does have a possible vocation of single consecrated life, priesthood or matrimony. If we were to believe as Catholics, that only those in the Church could have a vocation, it would simply be contradictory to what we believe as the absolute truth. In line with this idea and now my utter conviction, the vision of the Body of Christ being a physical being in perspective took place. I believe God showed me this vision of a Bodily figure, partly strong and working (speaking the Truth, hearing the Truth, reaching and walking in Truth and LOVE), and the other part weak, (broken limbs, silent lips, clogged ears, etc) and I was compelled to pray for non christians and even Protestants to understand and embrace because if A denomination denies the possibility of vocation to the priesthood or religious life, we have to accept the idea that this in a way Hinders the Body of Christ preventing some from hearing a possible vocation. I mean this in as much of a loving way as possible, not to be hatefull or bitter, but to provoke prayer to our Lord and Savior as well as our Blessed Mother to pray for us and for the Body of Christ. For the first time I have come to a conclusion that part of the "lack of priests" may be due to those christians who's church has no idea or belief in a vocation of the priesthood or religious life. As I prepare further and more specifically in my journey and my vocation, I thank God for people like Andrew Jones and Chris Graham for placing them in my life as examples of converts to Catholicism that embrace the idea of possibly having a vocation to the religious life (pray for them in their discerment. I apologize if I outed either of you). They give me hope and faith in the repairing of the Body of Christ through our Church as Jesus desires to see Her. Please pray for me as I leave for Honduras, I will try to update this in order that I might plea for more prayers from all of you. God Bless You
